Crepe silk salwar suit material with Kashmiri hand embroidery.
SKU : PSK002019
Description : Crepe silk salwar suit material with Kashmiri hand embroidery
The color presentation of the products may vary according to varying ambient lighting conditions and the color calibration of digital LED devices.
Import duties & taxes if applicable , to be borne by customer
SKU : PSK002018
SKU : PSK002007
SKU : PSK002004
Crepe silk salwar suit material with Kashmiri hand embroidery
SKU : PSK002003
SKU : PSK002001
SKU : PSK002017
SKU : PSK002016
Crepe silk salwar suit material with Kashmiri hand embroidery .
SKU : PSK002014
SKU : PSK002013
SKU : PSK002012
SKU : PSK002011
SKU : PSK002010
Cotton salwar suit material in 2piece with Kashmiri hand embroidery.
SKU : CTN002005
Description : Cotton salwar suit material in 2piece with Kashmiri hand embroidery
Product details:
SKU : CTN002006
SKU : CTN002004
Cotton salwar suit material in 2piece with Kashmiri hand embroidery
SKU : CTN002002
Ikat pure cotton 3 piece salwar suit material in maroon & black
SKU : IKT002553
Description : Ikat pure cotton 3 piece salwar suit material in maroon & black